Vestviken Naturistforening blir etablert
Hovedomrรฅde: Buskerud, Vestfold og Telemark.
Nordstranda fristrand, Stavern
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Vestviken Naturistforening ble etablert 27.03.1976 av fri- og likesinnede naturister. Foreningen har siden 2001 hatt drifts- og tilsynsansvaret for Roppestad friomrรฅde pรฅ vegne av Larvik kommune, og har skapt vรฅrt naturistparadis pรฅ Roppestad fristrand. Foreningen har siden oppstarten hatt sitt tyngdepunkt pรฅ vestsiden av Oslofjorden, med medlemmer fra Buskerud, Vestfold og Telemark.
Vestviken's naturist association has its significant membership area in Vestfold, Telemark and Buskerud, but we also have members from other parts of the country. We are affiliated with the Norwegian Naturist Association (NNF) and thus also affiliated with the International Naturist Federation (INF(link is external)).
As soon as the sun peeks out, the need arises for a place where you can throw away your clothes without being looked at strangely. You can do this in many places in Norway, but we have found our paradise here in Roppestad. The visitors to Roppestad range from children to well-adult pensioners.
During the winter months, many people take advantage of the offer nude indoor swimming, ie nude bathing in the swimming pool. Some even combine it with one fresh skinny dip at Roppestad first, then bathing. Lovely!
Throughout the years, the association's members in the summer, with a peak around 1993, have disposed of the following areas and beaches together with other users; Skรฅtangen at Verdens Ende on Tjรธme, Yxnรธy on รsterรธya by Sandefjord, Nordstranda by Stavern, Roppestad by Farrisvannet (also camping) and Sildevika Sรธndre approx. 15 km from Porsgrunn.